For many time is a luxury. Busy days, weeks, months, years makes it difficult for self care. We don't realise that when we take care of ourselves first it is easier to take care of others and accomplish our daily tasks and goals. It is not being selfish but rather equipping us to be our best selves, which in turn benefits everyone else around us. Agnes Wainman says it best "selfcare is something that refuels us, rather than takes from us.
Self care is defined as any activity that we do deliberately in oder to take care of our mental, emotional and physical health. Now this sounds simple because it includes the simplest things we do but it is a concept that we often overlook. We overlook that self care can improve our mood, improve anxiety and that it is key to living a balanced life. Self care can be anything that we enjoy doing, it can be something that takes five minutes or thirty minutes. It all depends on personal preference. It is something that we should all pay attention to. There are many ways to accomplish self care, here are a few.

1. ADEQUATE SLEEP- This ensures that our body is rested as well as our mind.

2. HEALTHY DIET- What we put into our body not only affects our physical but also our emotional health. Having a healthy, balanced diet can only benefit us.

3. EXERCISE REGULARLY- Even if it is a thirty minute walk a few times a week. It helps keep the extra weight off and gives us time to relax and reflect.

4. HOBBIES- Engage in doing something that you love. Set aside time every week and do that. This time can help you relax and reflect in a peaceful way while doing something that interest you.

5. MASSAGE- Get a massage. This not only relieves pain and stiffness but helps to reduce anxiety and deprerssion.

6. READ- Spend time reading a novel, margazine or even a story. Whatever it is that interest you. This is relaxing and can take you away from reality for a little while.

7. FACE MASK- Put on a face mask. The time it takes will serve as a break. It will help your skin care game while giving you time to relax your body and mind.

8. SAY NO- You don't always have to say yes. Sometimes saying NO is what is best for you. Even if it feels like you are beiong selfish, remember it is what you need.

9. NO DEVICES- Remove television, phone, laptop, tablet and all other devices from your bedroom. Let it be your sanctuary. This helps you to have a better sleep and helps your brain relax.

10. TAKE A BREAK- Even if it is for a few minutes. Do something that you enjoy and most definitely do not feel guilty about it.

These are just some ways that self care can be accomplished. You don't have to stick to this list. You can do anything as long as it helps your physical. mental and emotional health. Can be as simple as going outside or as grand as going on a trip that you always dreamed of taking. It all depends on you and what you like. But always remember the importance of selfcare and its benefits. When ever you feel like self care is not necessary remember this saying by Ali Washington, "by taking care of myself I have so much more to offer the world than I do when I am running empty."


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