Passion's Promise is about a beautiful and smart woman, Kezia Saint Martin. She is very rich and lives a life of many pseudonyms. She is a glamorous socialite who lives by the rules while leading multiple lives so that she can also do what she loves, write. She is left conflicted about her identity and she tells lies to each man that she meets and gets involved with. That is until she meets Lucas, ex-con and prison reformist. She changes drastically after she meets lucas and this in turn leads her to deal with so much more than she bargained for.
I have a love hate relationship towards this book. Its a serious book with less juicy fluffy romance than I thought there would have been. I can say that it definitely is unlike any romance that I have read. The beginning of the book dragged on a bit but eventually it got to the point of the story that was captivating.
Kezia was a likable character that many would feel sorry for because of her childhood and the way she lived her life. Some would say that she was a bratty rich girl though, who did not actually have any problems. I enjoyed the fact that she eventually found herself though even though it took her relationships with the different men in her life to get her to that point.
I did not like what Lucas stood for in the book. I would never agree with the abolishment of prisons. I did however like that he brought out such honesty in Kezia. I liked Alejandro from his first mention in the book. I must admit that even before I finished the book I was biased and hoped that Kezia ended up with him because I found that he suited Kezia much more than Lucas did.
At times the book was so predictable but then when I expected that Kezia being so rich would help the struggling centre that Alejandro was running in Harlem but there is not even a thought or inclination towards that.
Edward was anoter male in Kezia's life that affected who she was. I liked him for caring for kezia so much but I hated that he loved her romantically and because he thought that she should just succumb to what society expected her to be.
There is so much dept in this book although it took a while to reach that dept. I liked this book but I don't think  that it would be a favourite of Ms. Steel's work. Looking forward to reading more of her work.


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