Skincare seems trivial to many. We often do not see it as important or necessary. We find it tiresome and time consuming. For a number of people it is very hard to find the extra few minutes in the morning and evening to carry out a skincare routine. Truth is we should all make it a point to find that few minutes to establish and carry out a good skincare routine. Below are some resons why skincare is so darn important. 

    • The skin is a large organ- We try our best to take care of organs such as our heart, lungs and kidneys. We should also put that same priority in taking care of our skin because it is the body's largest organ. The skin works daily to protect our body from harmful elements. Taking care of the skin can help this organ to perform better and longer. 

    •  Skin sheds daily- We are continuously changing skin cells. This means that the good, healthy skin you have today may not be there tomorrow, unless you keep nourishing these new cells. 

    • Health- No skincare or a poor skincare routine can lead to acne, wrinkles, sores and rashes. Thus it leads to unhealthy skin. Now this unhealthy skin make for susceptibility to disease, infection and scaring after injury. Having a good and effective routine can prevent these conditions and keep your skin looking its best. Healthy skin also ages better. 

    •  Different skin types- There are numerous skin types. Some skin types don't require as much work and effort as others do to look and feel healthy. Thus what works for one person may not work for another. Developing a skincare routine to suit your skin type is definitely necessary and important.

    •  Prevention is easier- As the saying "prevention is better than cure," goes it is the same for skincare. Preventing skin problems now is much easier than trying to fix skin issues later on. Also having beautiful skin 10-20 years from now depends on how you treat your skin from now and what issues you prevent. 

    •  Saves money- Having a good effective skincare routine saves you from expensive trips to the dermatologist to treat skin problems. 

    • Boost Confidence- It is a known fact that when we look good we feel good. Thus when we have clean, clear, beautiful skin we are a little more confident and feel great. 

Having a skincare routine is important in many ways, it improves our health, personality and in many cases saves us a penny or two. If you do not partake in any form of skincare, you should really think about starting to, it is very important and can often be necessary. 



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