1. Before the invention of blushwomen use to pinch their cheeks to give themselves a rosy look. 

2. Due to their pearly quality fish scales are used to add shimmer to eyeshadow and lipstick. If you want to know if that favourite lipstick of yours contains fish scales then look for the name Guanine in the ingredient list.

3. Today many women and men wear makeup regardless of their social rank. In the olden days makeup was however worn to show social rank, scare enemies or to make magic. 

4. Would you believe that their are injuries caused by makeup? Yes there are and the most common one is scratching the eyes with the loved mascara wand.

5. A dilated pupil is known as a sign of attraction. In the 17th and 18th century a number of women loved the look of a dilated pupil. Dilated eyes looked larger and sexier. They began to use drops from the Belladonna plant to achieve tis eye dilation. Long term use of this led to damage to the eye and blindness. 

6. It is so easy to change your hair color or cover those greys in today's world. You don't even need to go through the trouble of going to the salon, you can do it right in your bathroom in a matter of minutes. In Ancient Rome however, the process was a tad more difficult. This process involved feeding leeches, putting them in vinegar and leaving it to ferment for two months. After the two months the substance was then applied to the hair and they would sit in the sun to allow it to bake in or some would allow it to dry for a day. Are you willing to go through all of this to dye your hair?

7. When we purchase a product it makes us feel so safe to see "Dermatologist Tested" on the package. However dermatologist tested does not mean dermatologist approved. This simply means that the product was reviewed by a dermatologist. It does not mean that the product is endorsed by a group of dermatologist or that their was a clinical trial involving the product.

8. Elizabeth Taylor is know for wearing bright red lipsticks. It is alledged that she banned all other women on set from wearing red lipstick. 

9. Makeup Art Cosmetics (M.A.C.) was founded by two men both named Frank in 1985. Frank Angelo was a Salon owner and Frank Toskas was a photographer. They were frustrated with how bad most makeup seemed to look in photographs so the created MAC cosmetics in their kitchen. Their company signature is black pots which they began to use instead of compacts. 

10. Today tanning is a must for many. This became popular in the 1920's when Coco Chanel was photographed in Cannes after catching a tad too much sun on a Mediterrnean cruise. 

11. In England , during the Elizabethan period many believed that lipstick could work magic and even have the power of warding off death. When Queen Elizabeth I fell ill she applied lipstick heavily because she believe that it had lifesaving powers. When she died she had nearly half an inch of lipstick on. 

12. Do you own a Naked Palette from Urban Decay? In 2015 they were selling one of these palette every 6 seconds.

13. In the 19th century men and women did not wear makeup or heavy perfume because it was deemed unacceptable. They obeyed this is an effort to apper moral. Faint flowery scents and skin cream were the only things that were deemed acceptable. 

14. In Morrisville Pensylvania a woman must get a permit in order to wear makeup. It is a real law even though it is rarely enforced.

15. In 1938 the first waterproof mascara was introduced to the world of makeup. Would you believe that one of the ingredients in this was high quantities of turpentine, yes the turpentine that is used to thin paint. Obviously this product did not really take off because the eyes stung, burnt and the scent was awful and ofcourse this product caused many allergic reactions. 


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